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題庫名稱: Certified Anti-Money Laundering Specialists
CAMS 認證題庫 問答數: 137
最近更新: 05-03,2017

CAMS 考試證照綜述: >>CAMS 認證題庫


NO.1 What is the term for trading through multiple accounts, where an individual generates
offsetting profits and losses and transfers of positions through accounts that do not appear to be
commonly controlled?
A. Wash Trading
B. Market Manipulation
C. Net Trading
D. Ponzi scheme
Answer: A

CAMS 熱門證照      CAMS 學習資料   

NO.2 A customer comes into the bank and appears to be ill-at-ease waiting in the teller line. When
the customer gets to the teller, he become exceedingly nervous and asks for a large cashier's check to
be cashed and disbursed to him in $100 bills.
What should the teller do after completing the transaction?
A. Confer with the bank' s account going forward
B. File a SAR on the customer
C. Monitor the customer's account going forward
D. File a CTR on the customer by the end of the day
Answer: B

CAMS 在線題庫       CAMS 考題    

NO.3 The marketing department presents a business plan targeting individuals holding important
public positions. What are some steps the financial institution should implement as part of the plan
to target such individuals?
A. Determine if the client appears on the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision's list of public
B. Determine the purpose of the account
C. Take all reasonable steps to check the background of the individual based on public information
D. Investigate the source of funds
Answer: B,C,D

CAMS 软件版          CAMS 考試資料   

NO.4 Federal law requires all U.S. financial institutions to secure and maintain all records and
supporting documentation used m suspicious activity reporting for how many years?
A. 10 years
B. 5 years
C. 2 years
D. No requirement
Answer: B

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